
波音787推迟半年交货 中国五大航空商将获得赔偿

10月10日,美国波音公司宣布,首批787梦想飞机的交货期将被迫推迟半年。新的交货期可能为明年11月或12月。这是787梦想飞机2007年7月8日在美国埃弗里特揭幕时的资料照片。 新华社/法新

董事会办公室 美国飞机制造商波音公司被迫推迟放飞它的“梦想”。它在美国当地时间10日宣布,首批787梦想飞机的交货期因故推迟半年,新的交货期可能为明年11月或12月,这将殃及中国五大航空公司的60架787梦想飞机订单的交付计划。根据行规,波音因此将支付相应的赔偿金。




17 Killed in Palestinian Infighting

The Associated Press
Tuesday, June 12, 2007; 12:32 AM

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip -- Hamas officials reported that a rocket-propelled grenade was fired at the house of Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh, causing damage but no injuries. That attack came just hours after Monday's brutal infighting that killed 17 Palestinians.

Haniyeh and his family were present during the attack on the house in the Shati refugee camp on the outskirts of Gaza City, the Hamas security officials said. A day earlier, Haniyeh's house had also come under fire.

Meanwhile, rival gunmen exchanged fire at two Gaza hospitals and Cabinet ministers fled their weekly meeting after the government headquarters was caught in the crossfire.

The battles came a day after two militants from the rival Hamas and Fatah factions were dragged onto high-rise rooftops and thrown to their death in a power struggle that appears to be rapidly descending into all-out confrontation.

After sundown Monday, gunmen, apparently from Hamas, laid siege to the house of Jamal Abu al-Jediyan, the senior Fatah official in northern Gaza. They then dragged him outside and killed him, security officials said. Medics said he was hit by 45 bullets.

Al-Jediyan was a top aide to Gaza Fatah strongman Mohammed Dahlan and al-Jediyan's brother was also killed, apparently in the same shootout.